au2mator - Self Service Portal Roadmap

Modified on Fri, 26 Jul at 7:01 AM

We want to be as transparent as possible, so we decided to show you all a list of what we do and keep us busy. This Page is created once a day, fully automated based on our internal DevOps. So you can see the following information here.
  • All Features and Bugs which we are taking care of in our upcoming Release
  • The next 2-3 Releases and the containing Features and Bugs
  • All Future Features we have in our Backlog
  • All our Bugs we are working on right now in the actual Release
  • All fixed Bugs in the Past
  • All known Bugs that are planned or need investigation


Get a list of all planned features and improvements

Upcoming Release

Here you see what we are currently working on for the next Release, Features, and Bugs. Our Next Release is Release 5.0.5**
Planned finished Date of this Release: 2024-07-19
NOTE: Please do not take this for granted. There are many possibilities that the Schedule will be postponed or Features and Bugs are moved to a different Release.

NEW = planned for this Release but not approved
APPROVED = good chance to be included in that Release
IN PROGRESS = we are working on it
DEV DONE = it is done, nearly
DONE = we are happy with it

ID Title Type Release State Last Update
955 SQL Question Type improvements
General SQL Question Improvements
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-25
959 LDAP TypeAhead
LDAP Typeahead does not show correct Result
Bug Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-03
967 Encyrpted Password on second save fails
When you have SQL Password entered and save a Service it will be encrypted, so now you cannot save again without entering the Password again.
Bug Release 5.0.5 DEV DONE 2024-07-01
968 SQL Question Bug on Send and Show Properties related to advanced Question
We send the wrong value to related Question when SQL Question is used and Show and Send are different
Bug Release 5.0.5 IN PROGRESS 2024-07-08
975 LDAP Max 1000 Objects
LDAP Question Type has a limit on 1000 Objects to show
Bug Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-03
980 PrePop Table Cursor
Cursor will be in search Area when window Pops up
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-03
989 Enhance Service Instructions
More Characters for Service Instructions
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 DEV DONE 2024-07-19
997 New Condtion
When the related Question is a Dropdown, we need a “Contains” and “NotContains” Condition
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-15
999 New Property for a Service
New Service Property “internal Notes”
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-03
1004 New Property for Services
A new Admin Value will be added called Estimated Savings
Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.5 DONE 2024-07-03
1011 Start a service Bug
Switching between Pages and than start a service, shows Error “please select a User”
Bug Release 5.0.5 DEV DONE 2024-07-08
1017 Ad groups is not showing for approvers
It’s seems to be ad groups not showing for Service approvers.
Bug Release 5.0.5 NEW 2024-07-23

Planned Releases

Here you see what we already planned for the future Releases The date for these Releases will be published as they get InProgress
NOTE: Please do not take this for granted. There are many possibilities that the Schedule will be postponed or Features and Bugs are moved to a different Release.
ID Title Type Release State Last Update
995 New Built In Initialize Data Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.6 In Progress 2024-07-19
937 Dynamic Question, show names Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.6 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-18
921 Sorting Setting in GUI Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.6 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-24
913 File Picker Question Bug Bug Release 5.0.6 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-19
897 Dropdown std Value Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.6 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-25
1000 New Settings Tab “Services” Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.6 QUALITY CHECK 2024-07-19
250 Possibility to Sort PrepopTable in Result /GUI Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.7 New 2024-07-03
958 Strange Log Entry Bug Release 5.0.7 New 2024-06-24
914 Global File extension removal Bug Release 5.0.7 New 2024-06-24
911 Add Image Size Limit for Services and Service Groups Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.7 New 2024-06-24
1005 SQL Exists during Setup Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.7 New 2024-06-26
354 Check Regex after leaving the Input Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.7 New 2024-07-03
998 Multi-Item Picker Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.8 New 2024-07-15
907 Multiple SCO Instances Product Backlog Item Release 5.0.9 New 2024-07-03
870 Azure AD Integration Product Backlog Item Release 5.1.0 New 2024-02-11
895 Azure DB Integration Product Backlog Item Release 5.1.0 New 2024-02-11
883 API, change Approver Product Backlog Item Release 5.2.0 New 2024-07-12
877 HTML Question Type for Services v2 Product Backlog Item Release 5.2.0 New 2024-02-07
876 Services v2 Product Backlog Item Release 5.2.0 New 2024-02-07
458 New Question Type: HTML Product Backlog Item Release 5.2.0 New 2024-02-07

Future Releases

Here you see everything we have in Mind for au2mator Be sure; there is no guarantee this will be implemented.
NOTE: Please do not take this for granted. There are many possibilities that the Schedule will be postponed or Features and Bugs are moved to a different Release.
ID Title State Last Update Feature Request
286 Calculate Service Groups and Service in the Background New 2023-12-18 VOTE HERE!
404 Run Scheduled Automations New 2023-12-18 VOTE HERE!
454 Incident Management New 2023-12-18 VOTE HERE!
455 IT asset Management New 2023-12-18 VOTE HERE!
460 MS Teams Integration New 2023-12-18 VOTE HERE!
601 Add Question Type to Edit Service, Question Page Overview New 2023-02-20 VOTE HERE!
771 Service Count on Service Group Selection New 2023-02-20 VOTE HERE!
787 Orchestrator 2022 Support, new WEB API New 2024-02-07 VOTE HERE!
849 Dropdown as Format for LDAP, SQL, PowerShell New 2023-03-06 VOTE HERE!
850 Pre Execute PowerShell Question Type New 2023-03-06 VOTE HERE!
859 Admin Contact Side New 2023-03-06 VOTE HERE!
922 Please add abillity to sort Azure Automation Runbooks by Tags New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
923 Export-Import services New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
924 Custom Questions Not related to Runbook parameters New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
925 Logic App as Automation Engine New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
926 Allow Questions to be importable/exportable New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
927 Custom links on Main Page New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
928 Multi Pages for Request New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!
929 Edit request before it's released New 2024-02-06 VOTE HERE!


Get a list of all known and recognized Bugs

Bugs Working On

These Bugs are known, and we work to fix them in the next Release
ID Title Release State Last Update
959 LDAP TypeAhead Release 5.0.5 Done 2024-07-03
967 Encyrpted Password on second save fails Release 5.0.5 Dev Done 2024-07-01
968 SQL Question Bug on Send and Show Properties related to advanced Question Release 5.0.5 In Progress 2024-07-08
975 LDAP Max 1000 Objects Release 5.0.5 Done 2024-07-03
1011 Start a service Bug Release 5.0.5 Dev Done 2024-07-08
1017 Ad groups is not showing for approvers Release 5.0.5 New 2024-07-23

Fixed Bugs

We resolved these Bugs within the latest Releases
ID Title Release State Last Update
389 Bootstrap css file loads remote fonts that cause slow page loads Release 4.1 Done 2023-02-20
393 Condition Values for Date Field Release 4.1 Done 2023-02-20
398 Migration process from 3.9 to 4.0 does not migrate RequestIds instead generate new IDs Release 4.1 Done 2023-02-20
432 Slow Performance and Bugs on MultiDomain = ON Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
422 Multi Domain LDAP Query Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
418 Return Data in PowerShell not working in 4.1 Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
416 Remove .Net 3.5 from Setup Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
415 Azure automation not configured error message is not being displayed at start request page Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
420 Hidden, Required Dropdown Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
411 SQL User Login Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
409 Azure Automation is not visible on fresh installments Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
403 SQL Question Show Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
397 Customer reported Problem on some Resolutions Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
413 SQL Advanced Placeholder Release 4.2 Done 2023-02-20
470 Approval is still possible under special circumstances. Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
675 Yes-No should not be True Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
599 Multi Domain Team Building is not correct Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
570 A filled Mandatory LDAP Question Type cannot be sent Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
568 Background Text is missed on "FilePicker" Question Type Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
566 Dynamic Background Text is not removed when Type is switched Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
565 DateTime Question sends wrong format Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
564 Formatting of Options Question is different Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
465 On PowerShell Type, a Question refresh with a faulty Scripts shows faulty Page Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
433 Refreshing parameter cause system parameters to show up on SMA services Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
461 Percentage and Actual Percentage fields are being displayed at status page for No-Approver requests Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
439 Response Data Overflow Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
436 Language Turkish still shows English Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
434 Multi Domain show Result Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
429 Apply Button on Changing Service Permission Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
423 No Existing Custom.css outputs error on Console Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
421 LDAP Query send "undefined" when DistinguishedName is part of "Show Values" Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
463 Password Question Type sends encrypted Value to Automation Release 4.3 Done 2023-02-20
743 Service Group Icon is not displayed on OverView Page Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
744 Scroll up on Service Group Overview, when click on edit Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
690 Problems with DSR with _ Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
678 Conditions are not saved on Service Creations Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
684 Wrong Translation on Navigation Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
575 Dynamic Question with LDAP not working Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
686 Refresh breaks Questions Release 4.4 Done 2023-02-20
866 Translation Bug Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
868 duplicate Button Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
869 DateTime Picker in 24/am/pm Format Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
872 Typeahead is not working for URL builder Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
882 Background Status Check Release 4.9 Done 2024-03-26
884 Portal Logo on collapsed sidebar is wrong Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
888 Question Refresh Bug Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
893 Wrong Format for Help at PowerShell Question Release 4.9 Done 2023-05-07
905 API GoLive Release 5.0.1 New 2024-03-08
947 Mulit Domain Bug Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
946 Start a Request, select a User Error Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-24
945 Mandatory DateTime Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
943 New Setup, Groups do not disappear after selection Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
938 Restart Request, wrong ID Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
932 Dashboard Mouse over Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
919 Wrong Profile Infos Release 5.0.2 Done 2024-03-26
948 History only shows 3 Pages Release 5.0.3 Done 2024-03-26
951 Wrong Flag for Serbian Release 5.0.3 Done 2024-03-26
963 Question Input Answer Bug Release 5.0.3 Done 2024-03-26
993 CheckBox Question Release 5.0.3 Done 2024-05-10
983 Overall Performance Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-06-26
960 Mulit Select Bug Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-05-15
961 Wrong Order for dynamic Background Settings Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-05-22
969 Question Type has wrong Description Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-05-22
970 SQL Question type, wrong Header Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-06-26
974 Service Group Images are not visible Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-05-22
940 Recursive Setting is always on Release 5.0.4 Done 2024-06-26

Known Bugs

Here you see a list of Known or potentials Bugs which need more investigation. They will then be moved to a future Release
ID Title Release State Last Update
966 Asterisks in Group Name Future New 2024-03-20
Last Update: 26-07-24

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